CURE International

CURE International screenshot

CURE International

Description: This site is the official online home of CURE International, a nonprofit charity that performs medical surgeries on children with disabilities in developing nations. It is the primary means of communication with donors and a critical fundraising tool for the organization. CURE has a presence in 16 countries worldwide and has seen over 1,000,000 patients in just over 12 years of operation. We designed and developed the site completely in house. The site makes use of progressive HTML, CSS and lots of jQuery. It's built on Wordpress as a framework with several popular WP plugins, and a few homegrown ones. We're also making extensive use of the Facebook API, Flickr API, Mailchimp API, and Twitter API throughout the site to do some really cool stuff.

Keywords: nonprofit cure children charity tan developing world international wordpress fabric brown lime green stiches medical

Posted: 7.10.2010

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